Welcome to Your Journey of Inner Peace

A complimentary offer from me to you

Find Serenity in the Chaos.

Together we remember the peace we desire isn’t outside of us, it’s inside. Together we will become the calm within the storm. We will MELT more into our true nature. Receive 5 days of rituals and tools to slow down, recenter, reprioritize, and refocus. This is a FREE offer. There are no hidden costs or fees. It’s on the house.

Your Daily Sanctuary

How It Works

  • Morning Invitation: Each day begins with an email containing your invitation to that day’s supportive ritual.
  • Ritual Practice: Engage with the day’s ritual, at your pace, in your space.
  • Reflection and Community: As you journey through these practices, I encourage you to observe your growth, take notes, and share your experiences with myself and those around you. Notice yourself and be aware of your process. Use these learnings to become more attuned to your personal values and aspirations.

Meet Your Guide

Becoming a mother has brought unparalleled joy and love into my life. It is the most profound experience I have ever known. 

I have learned you can feel pure joy AND darkness/worry/pain simultaneously. Less than a week before Schrader was born my husband went thru a very trying time in his career. Together, we endured a political take-down in our tiny town, which brought front-page headlines and financial uncertainty. More importantly, the life we had planned for ourselves was no longer. 

As I look back I am proud of the path our family crafted with the cards we were dealt. In the midst of new-found motherhood, caring for our girls, and supporting my husband, I lost myself. I know in my heart I did my very best to hold our world together and sacrificing myself is something I would do again faced with the same scenario.

I forgave myself for putting myself last. With time and patience I was able to find my way. I remembered to remember and I got real honest with where I was in present time. I went back to my yoga mat. I got clear on what created the most health within me. I stacked one ritual onto the next as my bandwidth grew. I have returned to some of what I knew and married my rituals with supportive uncovered tools. 

While not every Mom endures what I did in the infancy of a child, many Moms struggle to find rituals and routine. You don’t have to be a Mom, or even a woman, to know what it feels like to fall off the tightrope. This is a common part of the human experience. 

I developed SERENITY because we can always return to what we know and embrace new tools. Join me in remembering to remember what supports your highest way to live. Together we will approach our worlds one moment, one breath at a time.

Discover Serenity Within
With a little information and a click to subscribe, you’ll be on your way to beginning your path in a few short days. 
(we promise to maintain the confidentiality of your information)
Thank you for joining Serenity! Together we will MELT into our true nature. Finding Serenity in the Chaos begins on November 28th! Please help me spread these knowings with a nudge to the people in your life that would benefit from slowing down, recentering, reprioritizing and refocusing. Invite them to join you and together we will become the calm within the storm. As we get closer, I’ll be in touch with more information. With lots of hugs and namastes, Kelly