Teaching the World to Find Serenity in the Chaos

To people who crave pauseMelt is the wellness lifestyle brand that nourishes a yin-inspired life.

The World is Faster,

More Chaotic,

More Information-Loaded Than Ever.

And it shows no signs of slowing down. Amidst the swirl, it’s easy to get lost. Go off the rails. Forget who and what we truly are – beings of infinite bliss. 

That’s where Melt comes in. 

Every moment of every day, we’re dedicated to helping people find serenity. We remind them that the peace they so desperately seek isn’t outside themselves, but inside. We give them the tools to slow down, recenter, reprioritize, and refocus.

We’re able to teach this philosophy because we live it. We constantly strive to find this balance in our own lives. Do we occasionally fall off the tightrope? Sure! But we hop right back on and keep trying because we know it’s the highest way to live. “Teaching the world” is a big, hairy goal. But we approach it one person, one moment, one breath at a time. 

Ultimately, we show people how to dance within the chaos. We inspire them to get unstuck, unfreeze, and let go. We inspire them to melt into their true nature.

MELT’s Exclusive Offerings:

Transformative Experiences Tailored for You


Receive 5 days of rituals and tools to slow down, recenter, reprioritize, and refocus.


A transformative six-week online program designed just for you.

Pause—a MELT Retreat

The Big Island, Hawaii – Fall 2024.

MELT Experiences

Grass Valley, California – Fall 2024.

We often planning and scheduling on the back-end for additional studio experiences, retreats, and more. Details are coming soon. Join our interest list to be the first to know.

Our Essence

By deeply focusing on being present, attentive, and fully awake to the moment, Melt cultivates a deep sense of steadiness and stability. Melt builds relationships on a solid foundation of honesty, integrity, and trust, so a calm sense of security can naturally arise.

Melt devotedly embraces the first step of yoga – ahimsa – non-harming and compassion.

Going inward is hard work. It’s often messy, challenging, and sometimes scary. To make people comfy, Melt creates a space that’s clean, beautiful, elegant, well-appointed, even slightly extravagant and luxurious.

To People Who Crave Pause

In our always-on world it can be challenging to turn off our senses and go inward for some self-reflection, calm, and clarity. But that’s exactly what our ideal customers desire. 
They want a remote control for life. One that allows them to press the “pause” button wherever and whenever they need it. 
They don’t kind of want that pause.  

They crave it. 

They hunger for it.  
Those who find Melt are self-aware enough to know they need to quiet their mind. They understand the value of slowing down. Perhaps they’re looking for permission to nurture themselves. Or a safe place to break out emotionally. Or maybe just want to bliss out for a while. They intuitively know that all the answers are within the silence. 

Meet Your Guide

I am a Mom.
I am a Wife
I am a Friend.
I am a Yogi.
I am a Buddhist.
I am a Love Warrior.
I am the founder of MELT—A Yin inspired life.

Each of these paths I have walked and embody. They have created the woman I am today. Through my life experiences, my career within yoga and health, and working with students and clients, I have arrived at MELT. I work with people that crave pause. I teach people to find serenity in the chaos and how to nourish a yin-inspired life.

Ultimately, I show people how to dance within the chaos. I inspire them to get unstuck, unfreeze, and let go. I inspire them to melt into their true nature.

Discover Serenity Within
With a little information and a click to subscribe, you’ll be on your way to beginning your path in a few short days. 
(we promise to maintain the confidentiality of your information)
Thank you for joining Serenity! Together we will MELT into our true nature. Finding Serenity in the Chaos begins on November 28th! Please help me spread these knowings with a nudge to the people in your life that would benefit from slowing down, recentering, reprioritizing and refocusing. Invite them to join you and together we will become the calm within the storm. As we get closer, I’ll be in touch with more information. With lots of hugs and namastes, Kelly